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* devQueue.c --
* Routines to implement the DevQueue data type.
* Device queues define a queuing mechanism designed for implementing
* queuing in low level device drivers. The module interface provided is
* very simple. Each controller in the system keeps one queue per
* device attached to it. Requests are sent to a device by inserting
* the request into the queue for that device. When a request becomes
* available in the queue for a device, the queue module notifies the
* controller using a callback. The controller then has the option
* of processing the request or informing the queue module to
* enqueue it.
* Copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/dev/RCS/devQueue.c,v 9.1 90/09/11 12:19:28 rab Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include "sprite.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "bit.h"
#include "devQueue.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "bstring.h"
* Design rationale
* A queue per device is desirable for higher level software because
* it allows the software to view each device as an individual entity
* regardless of how the device is attached to the system.
* It also allows simple implementation of queue reordering (such as for
* minimizing disk seek time). Unfortunately, a queue per device
* may be inappropriate for controllers that are single-threaded.
* Each controller would have to implement collapsing these multiple
* device queues into a single queue for the controller.
* The device queue module handles this complexity
* by allowing the controller to specify a set of queues to the
* dequeue operation and the queue module will handle the fair
* scheduling of these requests to the controller.
* When the controller looks for the next request
* to handle it can specify a bit mask indicating which queues it would
* be willing to take entries for. The queue module will return a request
* from one of these queues using round-robin scheduling to decide which
* queue the request comes from.
* How to use device queues.
* 1) Each controller that wishes to maintain device queues should
* call Dev_CtrlQueuesCreate() to get a DevCtrlQueues on to
* which the device queues can be added. An argument to this
* call is the procedure to call when an entry becomes available on a
* queue attached to the controller.
* 2) For each device attached to this controller, the driver should
* create a queue with the Dev_QueueCreate() call. The arguments
* allow specification of the queue insert procedure (see below)
* and the queue bit. The queue bit must have at most one bit
* set in it. Dev_QueueCreate() also lets the caller specify a
* word of clientData passed to the controller's entryAvailProc when
* an entry appears on the queue.
* 3) Once the queue is created, entries can be inserted with the
* Dev_QueueInsert() routine.
* 4) To get the next entry off a queue the controller calls the
* routine Dev_QueueGetNext(). The controller may also call
* Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet() that takes the next entry from a
* set of queues represented in a bit mask.
* Other features available in Device Queues:
* 1) Data structures are locked with MASTER_LOCKS() using the
* Sync_Semaphore specified by the controller. This allows the
* QueueGetNext routines can be called at interrupt time.
* 2) The predefined insert "function" DEV_QUEUE_FIFO_INSERT can
* be specified to the Dev_QueueCreate call to get first in
* first out queuing.
* Data structures used to implement device queues.
* CtrlQueues - Contains per controller list of device queues. This structure
* is returned by CtrlQueuesCreate and passed to QueueCreate to link
* device queues of a controller. It contains the lock for the queues and
* information about ready queues. When an entry is taken from a queue,
* the queue is moved to the rear of the ready list. This implements the
* round-robin scheduling of combined queues.
typedef struct CtrlQueues {
Sync_Semaphore *mutexPtr; /* Lock use to protect this data structures
* and all device queues attached to this
* structure. This is specified by the
* Controller when it creates the the
* DevCtrlQueues structure. */
Boolean (*entryAvailProc)();/* Procedure to call when an entry becomes
* available in a queue. Its calling sequence
* is defined in Dev_CtrlQueuesCreate. */
List_Links readyListHdr; /* A list of device queues with entries in
* them. This list is used to do the
* round-robin scheduling. */
} CtrlQueues;
* Queue - The data structure for a device queue. This structure contains
* per queue information about a DevQueue.
typedef struct Queue {
List_Links links; /* Used to link the queue into ready and empty lists
* in the CtrlQueues structure. */
CtrlQueues *ctrlPtr; /* Controller for this device queue. */
ClientData clientData; /* The ClientData to use on entryAvail callbacks
* for this queue. */
void (*insertProc)(); /* Insert procedure to use from this queue. */
unsigned int queueBit; /* Bit used to specify this queue to the
* GetNextFromSet() routine. */
List_Links elementListHdr; /* List of elements on this queue. */
} Queue;
* Dev_CtrlQueuesCreate --
* Allocate the data structures necessary to maintain queues for a
* device controller with multiple devices. Memory for the
* DevCtrlQueue data structure is malloc-ed and initialized.
* Results:
* The DevCtrlQueue for this controller.
* Side effects:
* Memory for the DevCtrlQueue data structure is malloc-ed and
* initialized. The entryAvalProc may be called at a latter time
* with the following arguments:
* Boolean entryAvailProc(clientData, newRequestPtr)
* ClientData clientData; -- clientData specified for queue
* this entry was for.
* List_Links *newRequestPtr; -- New queue entry
* The entryAvailProc should return TRUE if the newRequest was
* processed. If the FALSE is return the queue module will enqeue
* the newRequest.
Dev_CtrlQueuesCreate(mutexPtr, entryAvailProc)
Sync_Semaphore *mutexPtr; /* Semaphore used to protect this data
* structure. */
Boolean (*entryAvailProc)();/* Procedure to call when a queue for a device
* on this controller moves from empty to
* having an entry present. */
CtrlQueues *ctrlPtr;
ctrlPtr = (CtrlQueues *) malloc(sizeof(CtrlQueues));
bzero((char *) ctrlPtr, sizeof(CtrlQueues));
* Initialize the lock used to protect queues under the control
* of this controller.
ctrlPtr->mutexPtr = mutexPtr;
* Initialize the envtyAvailProc and the ready mask.
ctrlPtr->entryAvailProc = entryAvailProc;
* Initialize the list headers for the ready list for
* the device queues attached to this controller.
return (DevCtrlQueues) ctrlPtr;
* Dev_QueueCreate --
* Allocate and initialize the data structures for a device queue.
* The queue will come up empty. The queueBit is used to group the
* newly created queue with the other queues using the same queueBit bit.
* Results:
* The allocated DevQueue structure.
* Side effects:
* Memory allocated and the newly created queue is added to the
* empty queue list of the controller. The insertProc procedure
* may be called when elements become available.
* The queue insert routine is responsible
* for inserting the new entry in the linked list for the device. The
* entries in the list are given to the device in the list order.
* It should be declared:
* void insertProc(elementPtr,listHeaderPtr)
* List_Links *elementPtr; -- Element to add.
* List_Links *listHeaderPtr; -- Header of list to add to.
* See the List man page for a description on how list work.
Dev_QueueCreate(ctrlQueue, queueBit, insertProc, clientData)
DevCtrlQueues ctrlQueue; /* Pointer to the controller to which this
* queue belongs. Must be a pointer returned
* from Dev_CtrlQueuesCreate.*/
void (*insertProc)(); /* Queue insert routine. */
unsigned int queueBit; /* Bit value used to identify queue in
* select mask for the GetNextFromSet() call.
* Only zero or one bit should be set in this
* integer. A zero value means the queue
* is not in a set. */
ClientData clientData; /* Field passed to the entryAvailProc for the
* controller when an entry because available
* in this DevQueue. */
CtrlQueues *ctrlPtr = (CtrlQueues *) ctrlQueue;
Queue *queuePtr;
* Allocated and initialize the DevQueue structure for this queue.
queuePtr = (Queue *) malloc(sizeof(Queue));
bzero((char *)queuePtr, sizeof(Queue));
queuePtr->ctrlPtr = ctrlPtr;
queuePtr->clientData = clientData;
queuePtr->insertProc = insertProc;
queuePtr->queueBit = queueBit;
return (DevQueue) queuePtr;
* Dev_QueueDestroy --
* Release the resources held by a queue.
* Results:
* TRUE if the queue is was destroyed. FALSE if the queue could not
* be freed because it was not empty.
* Side effects:
* Memory may be free'ed.
DevQueue devQueue; /* Queue to destory. */
Queue *queuePtr = (Queue *) devQueue;
* Don't try to delete empty queue.
if (!List_IsEmpty(&(queuePtr->elementListHdr))) {
return FALSE;
* Release the lock on the queue entry. There is an inherent race
* condition with the freeing of a queue if someone else is still
* trying to add entries to the queue. The user of the queue must
* make sure this doesn't happen.
free((char *) queuePtr);
return TRUE;
* Dev_QueueInsert --
* Insert an entry into the specified device queue. If the device
* queue is not on the ready list it is added to the ready list.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The queue controller's entryAvailProc maybe called. The queue may
* be moved from the controller's emptyList to the readyList of its
* combine tag.
Dev_QueueInsert(devQueue, elementPtr)
DevQueue devQueue; /* Queue to insert into. */
List_Links *elementPtr; /* Entry to insert. */
register Queue *queuePtr = (Queue *) devQueue;
register CtrlQueues *ctrlPtr = queuePtr->ctrlPtr;
register Boolean wasEmpty;
wasEmpty = List_IsEmpty(&(queuePtr->elementListHdr));
* Insert the elment in the queue's list of elements if the entry
* avail procedure doesn't take it.
if (wasEmpty) {
Boolean taken;
taken = (ctrlPtr->entryAvailProc)(queuePtr->clientData,elementPtr);
if (taken) {
if (queuePtr->insertProc != DEV_QUEUE_FIFO_INSERT) {
} else {
List_Insert(elementPtr, LIST_ATREAR(&(queuePtr->elementListHdr)));
* If the queue moved from empty to available, move this queue
* to the ready list. This need only be done if the queue is in
* a set.
if (wasEmpty && (queuePtr->queueBit != 0)) {
register List_Links *readyList;
readyList = &(ctrlPtr->readyListHdr);
wasEmpty = List_IsEmpty(readyList);
List_Insert((List_Links *) queuePtr, LIST_ATREAR(readyList));
* Dev_QueueGetNext --
* Remove the element from a device queue.
* NOTE: This routine assumes that the caller as the ctrlPtr->mutexPtr
* held.
* Results:
* The element removed. NIL if queue was empty.
* Side effects:
* Entry removed from a queue and the queue may be moved from the
* ready list to empty list.
List_Links *
DevQueue devQueue; /* Queue remove element from. */
register Queue *queuePtr = (Queue *) devQueue;
register CtrlQueues *ctrlPtr = queuePtr->ctrlPtr;
List_Links *returnValue;
* If the queue is empty just return.
if (List_IsEmpty(&(queuePtr->elementListHdr))) {
return (List_Links *) NIL;
* Take the first entry of the queue. If the queue is now empty
* remove it from the readyList. Otherwise move it to the end
* of the ready list to implement round-robining in the
* Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet routine.
returnValue = List_First(&(queuePtr->elementListHdr));
if (queuePtr->queueBit != 0) {
if (List_IsEmpty(&(queuePtr->elementListHdr))) {
List_Remove((List_Links *) queuePtr);
} else {
List_Move((List_Links *) queuePtr,
return returnValue;
* Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet --
* Remove next the element from a set of queues using LRU scheduling.
* NOTE: This routine assumes that the caller as the ctrlPtr->mutexPtr
* held.
* Results:
* The element removed. NIL if all queues in the mask were empty.
* Side effects:
* Entry removed from a queue and the queue may be moved from the
* ready list to empty list.
List_Links *
Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet(ctrl, queueMask, clientDataPtr)
DevCtrlQueues ctrl; /* Controller to examine queues of. */
unsigned int queueMask; /* Mask of queues to examine. */
ClientData *clientDataPtr; /* Filled in the with clientdata
* for the queue of the entry
* returned. */
register Queue *queuePtr;
register List_Links *itemPtr;
CtrlQueues *ctrlPtr = (CtrlQueues *) ctrl;
* Scan down the ready list for the first queue that has the queue bit
* set in the mask.
LIST_FORALL(&(ctrlPtr->readyListHdr), itemPtr) {
queuePtr = (Queue *) itemPtr;
if (queueMask & (queuePtr->queueBit)) {
*clientDataPtr = queuePtr->clientData;
return Dev_QueueGetNext((DevQueue) queuePtr);
return (List_Links *) NIL;